
We offers market intelligence, risk management and educational services on commodities and forex markets

Audizione presso il Comitato permanente sull’attuazione dell’agenda 2030

May 28, 2024

Hearing before the Permanent Committee on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chamber, as part of the fact-finding investigation into the geopolitical implications related to the supply of so-called rare earths.

Audizione presso la Commissione affari esteri e Difesa del Senato

November 21, 2023

Hearing before the Senate Foreign Affairs and Defense Commission on Assigned Matter No. 53 (The centrality of the Mediterranean in Italy’s political, economic, social, and security priorities within the framework of belonging to the European Union and NATO).

Audizione presso la Commissione Politiche Ue della Camera

June 21, 2023

Hearing before the EU Policies Commission of the Chamber, as part of the examination of the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework to ensure a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials and amending EU Regulations No. 168/2013, 2018/858, 2018/1724, and 2019/1020.

Audizione sulla creazione di catene di approvvigionamento resilienti

March 2, 2023

Hearing on the creation of resilient, sustainable, and competitive supply chains for critical raw materials before the International Trade Committee of the European Parliament.



Fundamental and technical analysis report on LME Metals, precious metals, energy and currencies.


Audio/video conference calls and/or in-house meeting on commodities/forex outlook according to clients’ requests.


Eexternal and in-house seminars on commodities hedging techniches and pricing mechanism.